
This blog comes out of a series of conversations between a small group of  undergraduate and graduate students at The Glasgow School of Art.
These chats began with a Second Life project at GSA called InWorld Studio, but grew to consider wider contexts and our place as artists within and in relation to virtual experience.

Our initial aim has been to capture some of the ideas and concerns that came up during our meetings. As such this site begins as a repository and an opportunity for us to distill these thoughts. We hope this site encourages wider discussion and that this site will grow. So please share your thoughts, comment, pass us links, and share your work with us –– be in touch!

The 'External Sources' section, a delicious.com tag cloud can be seem in the right sidebar, and is an ongoing collection of web links we found during our research and wandering. Some links are technical, tutorials on building, webstreaming etc, others fall into more tangential 'food for thought' categories. A direct link to the entire listing can be found here: http://delicious.com/thirdlife_chitchat

The InWorld Studio project grew out of an internal incubator & research grant received by Paul Cosgrove, Chair of GSA's Sculpture & Environmental Art Department, with the aim of developing teaching and learning strategies within an art context, using the social and building potentials of the virtual world of Second Life.  
Special thanks go to Gaylie Runciman and Dr Fiona Dean for shepherding our initial conversations and showing us the ropes.

Ellie Harrision - Masters Programme
Benjamin Rush - Masters Programme-09
Helene Skulstad - Sculpture & Environmental Art

InWorld Studio project introduction blog:

As of this writing (January 2010) first year Sculpture & Environmental Art students at the Glasgow School of Art are being introduced to SL at a creative platform and research tool. This is yet another outcome of the initial InWorld Studio grant. Some of the student's adventures have been, and will be recorded here: http://site-place-context-2010.blogspot.com.

This site has been built and is maintained by Benjamin Rush.
For questions, issues, corrections or contributions to this site email me though
orionrush [ at symbol ] gmail.com
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